if you think about it, problems aren’t real... i was recently reading about this idea, and it struck me as very true...
in this moment, tell me a problem that you have... not a problem you’ll have in a month, or a week… or even in 10 minutes... tell me a problem you have now...
there is no answer, because when your attention is fully in the now, there are no problems... sure, there may be a situation that needs to be either dealt with or accepted, but why make it into a problem??? why struggle??? what do you need problems for??? your mind loves to warp situations into problems because it builds a sense of identity, but why waste your energy???
you have no problems tomorrow, because tomorrow doesn’t exist... only now exists... when you create problems, you create pain... so, make a decision right now that you will no longer make problems for yourself... it really is that easy... it is a simple choice...
and i think pain and pleasure are flip sides of the same coin... whenever there is pleasure, pain is lurking.. the line is so thin... love and hate are the same way... just look at relationships... look how quickly a loving relationship can become hateful... really, there is no duality... pain can not exist without pleasure, or light without dark... there is only one.
and really, we create pain and pleasure in our minds. they aren’t real.. do you feel the stillness? the peace of mind? what a simple but profound and radical choice...
there no use of creating a problem...
i like~~