it amazes me how many people want to live your life for you... it seems as though people–even people you don’t even know–are invested in the way you live your life... everyone seems to have a suggestion for the way you should be living...
i see it all the time...
a lot of people seem to be invested in the fact that I used to have a long distance relationship... a common response is, “oh, i could never do that. isn’t a long distance relationship awful and hard? i don’t understand that.” the thing is, no one had to understand it–except for him and I... why? because it’s not their lives... i don’t understand why people are so invested in the way i live my life... And of course it’s not awful or hard... it’s beautiful and amazing.
i have a friend who is a vegetarian... i have heard so many people tell him that what he is doing is unhealthy, or that he isn’t really helping anything, blah, blah, blah... if someone believes that being a vegetarian is wrong, then they shouldn’t be a vegetarian. .. but i don’t think they need to try to make other people take the same course of action...
reality is an interpretation... the decisions that people make reflect the way that they see the world... you can’t force someone to see reality as you see it... therefore, you have to respect the decisions that people make regarding their lives...
notably, there is a difference between trying to change someone and trying to educate someone... but the intent behind education should not be change... change is a personal decision that needs to come from the inside... external change is superficial–but to believe something with your heart is much more powerful...
and all the while, amidst the whirlwind, the secret to life revealed itself to me!!! it’s two parts really... first, you really just have to row your own boat when it comes to river of life... and, you know, just rowing your own boat can be hard enough at times, never mind rowing the boats of everyone around you... in other words, you just need to live your life the way you want... you can’t tell other people what to do, or how to live their life. .. in the end, reality is an interpretation, and people are responding to the world the way they see it, the best they can...
the second part is the important part. really, the secret to life is everything. or, well, nothing... they both mean the same... life really is what you make it... it seems that no matter what you intend the world to be, it will shape around that perception... Someone who doesn’t believe in God may see the randomness of the universe... someone that believes in an underlying consciousness will see a silent hand acting behind ever seeming coincidence. whatever you want to see — the universe will meet you there...
so they really go hand in hand... you can’t force a person to act the way you want, because you can’t force a person to see through your eyes... all you can do is accept everyone — unconditionally... i think the world spends a lot of time and energy trying to change the people around them, even the people they love... i’m not telling you that this is how you should live your life... simply, it is just what I have observed...
so, again, row your own boat..
as if i can row my own boat in my community...
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